It was about 2 months before the 2022 Turkey season was ready to kick off that I had a buddy reach out to me to talk Turkey hunting. We got on the subject of Turkey tournaments and he said “why don’t you put on a Turkey tournament? You’re good at events and making them fun.”

I didn't think much about it at that moment, but as time passed I got to thinking that would be something fun to do and I’m really passionate about it. So as with anything the first time you do it, you live and learn.

Overall the first event was a huge success with lots of positive feedback that really pushed me to continue the event. This is an event that was started from scratch but hopes to grow yearly - not only to host a great time for our hunters and local community, but also to create a platform where we share our love for Turkey hunting and conservation efforts that will assure us we have many more generations of Turkey hunting to look forward to.